Prematurity/Developmental Delay/Fine Motor Delay

-Strengthening, coordination

-Play skills



-Neck rotation to one side

-Tilting of the head/neck

-Flat spot on one side of the back of the head

Brachial Plexus Injuries/Erb’s Palsy

-Injury to the nerves that power the arm

-Difficulty moving the shoulder, elbow, wrist and/or hand

-Postures the arm to the side and turned backwards, also known as a ‘waiter’s tip’

Cerebral Palsy/Neuromotor Disorders

-Abnormal tone in parts of the body that may affect:

-Sitting balance

-Self-care tasks

-Overall coordination for play

Orthopedic Injuries - Upper Extremity Only

-Congenital Hand Anomalies

-Recovery of motion and strength after fracture healing

-Rehabilitation after nerve or tendon injuries

-Sports Related Injuries: Baseball, Gymnastics

Custom Wheelchair and Bathing Equipment

-Consultation and evaluation for custom wheelchairs and bath equipment


Infant Development