Toddler Development
12-24 months
This page describes typical development for this age range

Self-Care Skills
Takes off socks and shoes
Helps with putting on and taking off shirt
Independently drinks from an open cup
Feeds self with fork and spoon
Cognition and Language
Exploration of toys, simple problem solving
Points to pictures; starts to identify words/pictures
Cause and effect play
Imitates movements
Recognizes and points to body parts
Follows simple directions
Starts to understand and use yes/no
Starts to understand prepositions
Uses words/approximates sounds to convey wants/needs
Becomes more independent – tantrums begin!
Fine Motor Skills
Puts toys into containers
Pushes/orients toys together
Stacks objects
Scribbles on paper
Starts to imitate circles and lines
Turns pages of a board book
Strings large beads
Recommended Toys and Activities to Promote Development
Mega blocks
Smart Max magnetic animals
Velcro play food
Fat Brain spin again
Insert puzzles
Shape sorter
Board Books
First words cards
Pull tubes
Party necklaces
Nosey cup